Thursday, December 14, 2006

Introducing a New Blog - Science and Women

John A Davison told me: "Why don't you join up with the other two multisexual femme fatales to complete the female triumvirate of evolution experts. Then you might found a colony on the island of Lesbos where you can spend the rest of your useless lives admiring one another with GAY abandon."

To me, that rather reeks of, "I'm not into girls." Well, neither am I, not in the pre-biblical sense that JAD means. However, this comment, plus a debate going on about women in science gave me an idea.

How about a blog devoted to science--just science--by women--just women?

Men can view and comment, but this is about (smashing) women smashing stereotypes. How about it?

Of course, I wish to have more than three women posting, so I suppose the triumvirate could refer to the concept of triangulation.

I will keep my posts on The Extended Phenotype at Amused Muse but will migrate them here as well.


Corporal Kate said...

Great idea, Kristine!

Color us here.

Kristine said...

Ah, I was hoping that you didn't feel excluded! ;-)

I'll probably let men post too. But I just wanted to create a place for chicks to stick it to all those stereotypes!

llewelly said...

With your sense of humor, we men will be all over your island ...
Joking aside, in addition to your erstwhile allies, I note you also post on a huge number of women in science blogs - many of which you might be able to solicit for guest posts, should you wish.

Kristine said...

Oh yes, llewelly, that is indeed my wish! I would love to host them - they are scientists, not me. I welcome them and will probably go around shaking my little can-o-coins at their blogs to get their input! ("Contribute to a good cause...?")

With your sense of humor, we men will be all over your island ...

You are welcome! You know this is the Isle of Logos, right? *Snicker* Take that, John A Davison!

JanieBelle said...

Kristine, I've collected a few women science bloggers in a special section in my side bar at our new blog.

You might check them out and swipe a few for the blogroll here if you get a minute.


Kristine said...

Thanks, JanieBelle, great idea. I shall do that when I can rise from my after school/workday/rehearsal coma!

Rev. BigDumbChimp said...

Sign me up for the boat trip to this island. I'll bring the wine.

Kristine said...

Malbec I hope!